Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blogger Spotlight Tour Featuring Hardback Book Hotties

Blogger Spotlight Tour is hosted by Justine of The Closet Library and Jazmen of This Girl Reads a Lot and today, I am proud to host  Syreeta (one of the two hotties;))from Hardback Book Hotties!

Syreeta blogs at Hardback Book Hotties and she is a mom of two beautiful daughters. Syreeta is all about the covers of books. She loves book covers, she will look at them in depth before cracking open the book, the book cover holds so many unknowing questions and she can’t wait to delve in and find the answers. If the cover captivates her, she will be committed, devoted and ready! (Some of us are guilty of grabbing a book based on their cover;)). So here's my interview with her...Enjoy!...

1. Tell us a little history about your blog and how it got started. 
I had done some blogging for a friends blog and loved it. I got pregnant and stopped blogging. Then I wanted to start a book blog on my own, I contacted my best friend to see if she wanted to do it with me and the rest is history.

2. What is your favourite part about book blogging?  I absolutely love the blogging community. I have made some really great friends, and have networked with some amazing authors and publishers.

3. What advice can you give to people who are interested in making their own book blog, or to other bloggers?  I say go for it. Be prepared to get busy fast. Also, you have to be organized because there are so many tours, blitzes, reviews... etc that you can get involved with, not even including the Weekly Meme's.

4. List your top three current favourite books.
  My favorite childhood book will always be Charlotte's Web as an adult, As for individual books I cannot list them individually, but I am in love with several series, Twilight Saga, Black Dagger Brotherhood, The Otherworld Series
As for Indie writers, I am a fan of The Agape Series and Creatura, 

5. Imagine that the apocalypse has happened and you could only have ONE book in your possession to read for the rest of your life which one would it be? And why? It would be the Bible. I am not a very religious person, but the bible offers so much and I have only barely scratched the surface of all that it holds. I feel like if I want a story, inspiration, quotes, etc the Bible will provide all that plus more and it can be interpreted in so many different ways based on how a person feels when they read it. I think that it would be a great companion to have with me.

6. And the last question, why is it important to always have a book in your hand?  Reading for me has always been so important. It is like breathing. It takes me away from my busy life and plants me in worlds of wonder. It gives such pleasure and enjoyment, that is why I must have a book at hand.

Thanks Syreeta for answering my questions, I enjoyed learning about you! You can go stalk the hotties on Twitter, Facebook, and Bloglovin. Have a great day and please go follow Syreeta! (She'll give you a cupcake if you do;) I'm kidding haha I'm just craving a cupcake!).


  1. Great, Fun Blogger Spotlight! Thanks SO much for being apart of this tour. We couldn't have pulled it off without you! I hope to do this again with you next year. Don't be a stranger :)

  2. Nice interview! Thanks for stopping by and I'm a new follower
