Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Prequel to Harry Potter: The Greater Good!

The short film "The Greater Good" shows the end of the friendship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. 

This 17-minute film was inspired by the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows scene were Aberforth tells the story of the fight that led to the death of Ariana. Since the movie didn't show any scenes of the fight some fans decided to do a short film about it. 
Even though the film is made by fans the effects are still really good and the costumes seem really authentic to those used in the actual Harry Potter films. And not to mention the cast are some hotties! Just look at Dumbledore and Grindelwald! ;)

You can see the film below here....

And is it just me or can you see subtle references to Dumbledore's romantic interest to Grindelwald? Anyways while some have complained about the accuracy of the plot I think it was really great for being a fan made film. Even the Harry Potter films weren't accurate in some parts to the books. I give them high fives for at least trying and doing a good job! This proves that the movies might be finished already but Harry Potter still lives on with us. 

P.S. I love this other poster of the movie....
And is it just me or does Aberforth look like a teenage Marshall from How I Met Your Mother

So what are your thoughts on the film? For more info you can visit their official page here

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